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The CromaSomos Project

The Cromasomos Project promotes culture and interdisciplinary research through exhibitions, workshops, and experiences that walks the border lines of art, technology and science, having as its main research object the direct and intrinsic relationship between feelings and sensory stimuli like colors, music or dance.

Over its 10 years of existence, CromaSomos has developed a unique language, which allows communication between artists from different disciplines through a code that involves music, colors and basic shapes, studied from the perspective of art, but taking into account current and historical scientific knowledge, as well as knowledge that survives the changing times, such as Taoism, Alchemy, Vedic Culture, Tarot, Astrology, among others.

We take this language to cultural spaces, galleries, art festivals, and to partnerships in the areas of science and technology, as well as

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to workshops for children and professionals aimed at awakening the awareness of feelings submerged deep within our being, giving them weight, temperature, sound, color and texture.

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We navigate the ocean of feelings, where everything oscillates, everything is color, everything produces music.




Inspired by a dream, in 2008, Vig Morã created a Color Code to help him understand music, by associating the feelings caused by certain notes of a certain harmony, with the feeling caused by the colors.

To understand more deeply how different people relate colors to feelings, CromaSomos was created in 2012 and our first exhibition called Sentimentologia was organized at Galpão Benfeitoria in Belo Horizonte from April to June 2014, with weekly synesthetic events and experiments, which provided a large database for research.


Ten years later, with the release of the book A Cromasfera e O Código de Cores da Harmonia, 2023, by Vig Morã, CromaSomos has consolidated itself as a vibrant movement, involving artists, scientists, researchers and programmers from South America and Europe, and holding a robust and growing body of research.

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With art, we awaken specific, deep and genuine feelings; with science, we record and map results; and with philosophy, we seek to see the bigger picture and design new experiences.


Chromasomes Logo Color Flower


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