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croma sapience

REnaissance 2.0

9 June 2020

interactive experiment

Under global quarantine and in a moment of environmental and social stress Cromasomos made a calling to the artist community to express their feelings about being alive on Earth right now, considering our role as artists.

Now we invite you to sail through the selected artworks, evaluating the ones which speak mostly to you, according to the color, feeling and shape which you perceive in them.

For best results we suggest you use a desktop computer with a stable connection.

gray small.png

s t ep s

0 state of being

Take a moment to breathe and tell us a little about yourself and how you feel in this precise moment in terms of color and shape. Also defines your anonymous ID, which you will be asked for each art evaluation.

1 Art visualizer

Realize how each art piece affects your present state of being. When you feel touched by one of them, scroll down to the art evaluation. You will be directed back to this viewer after each evaluation to choose another art piece.

2 Art evaluation

Using the drop down menus, choose the art you wish to evaluate and the different aspects which best match the feelings that the art provoked in you. Click submit and repeat the process for a different art piece.

3 results

When you finish evaluating the pieces you connected most to, scroll down to the bottom to find out what motivates our research and what kind of perception patterns might be revealed by this experiment.

< > state of being < >

your Present state

Take a breath,

and observe how you feel in this precise moment. Can you describe it in terms of color and shape?

bruccinna feel not think.png

Your being

anonymous u s I D

Choose one of your initials and a favorite number, which will be asked for in each art evaluation.

grey small.png
reto small.png

main interests

scroll down when you're ready

Anchor 1
pick a color

vine 9x9.png



< > evaluation < >


croma sapience

i d

selection saved!

< > ART VIEWER < >



Video Art

Rezm Orah

Brasil / Portugal




< > selection < >

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